Sorry for the late entry here, but I've been going through some really weird shit trying to investigate this odd Slenderman guy, and boy, do I have a freaky result up in hand.
OK, so after I searched through the web about Slenderman, this is pretty much what I got:
The Slender Man is a mythical creature completely created on the Internet which has grown beyond its Internet Urban Legend status to become the target of pictures, fictional stories and videos about "him".
He's often depicted as a tall and thin silhouette, wearing black pants, a black suit with a white shirt, and a black necktie underneath. What is startling and creepy about this creature is that he is usually depicted with absolutely no visible face. Furthermore, he can stretch out or shortens his arms as well as he hides some kind of tentacles on his back.
So basically some dude named Victor Surge got bored, decided to start up some fucking shit, goes to this forum website called Something Awful and joined a "Create Paranormal Images" contest or something, made up this stupid Slenderman and posted it in the contest, and now shit just comes up and everyone starts thinking he's real??
How dense can they be?
Come on, they even did an interview to that sucker and he admitted to all those fake photos. But I see some weird shit comments about people saying that it's real and that this sucker had first account of the monster, which he tries to bring it to the public's attention of its existence.
People. They can be really dense sometimes.
I mean, look at these pics.
Fake shit.
Come on, copy-paste and blurring much?
OK, this is obvious fake. I mean, Doc Oc much?
The kicker on this last photo is that it includes a so-called "news report" of the kid gone missing a few days after this picture was taken, which is, of course, total fake. And that Victor bugger admits it too.
How could Jan fall for these? What exactly is behind these photos that he thinks it's so goddamn real? Even a retard can tell it's fake.
Though I gotta admit, even though it's kinda creeps me out a little...
I decided to type Slenderman in the image search engine to see how he looks like in other people's eyes, and boy, do I get a LOT of weird shit.
To know about this motherfucker is something, but to actually draw and illustrate him into this sort of sucker?
This is fucked up
More weird-ass picture art of Slenderman.
Attempts to anthromorphize this motherfucker is really just so whacked.
What is it that people see in this guy that they have this morbid fascination for even though they know he's fake?
What does Jan see in this monster?
And what does it have to do with what he's talking about Pops?