• Hanging out in my friends’ house
• Getting late, call for Auntie to pick me but she can’t
• Ask friend to pick me also can’t
• Go home by myself, instead of calling for bus, try to flag a car
• A horse cart come and offer to ride me home
• Got on cart but driver walked over to talk to other driver friend of another cart
• Got off cart and continue walking
• Saw a shop, go in and check it out
• Meet some strangers but seem to know them and chit-chat with them
• Saw expensive-looking chocolates with gifts to match
• The gifts are bridal dolls complete with bridal clothes and legend and horoscope
• I chose the Withered Bride, an Aqua sign
• Suddenly shop turn to big hall or ballroom
• A man come and told us to go sleep on it and embrace our destiny
• Feel sleep and wanted to sleep