· I remember something about a riot going on, probably something political
· Then I was taking a bus with a number of Indian folks, and I chatted up with one
· We were chatting about the politics as well
· Then the bus landed to a stop in some river and I had to get up to take a sub which is a few feet away
· I kept getting text msg from my friend back in school asking me if I've done my assignment
· I told them I've done it and plan to pass it up the next day because I am somewhere else at the moment
· In truth, I haven't even started and I forgot what was the assignment about, but I plan to do an all-nighter
· I remember coming home to do the assignment but end up watching a show where 2 rabbits were talking to each other in baby talk and saying they only had each other because the rest of the litter is dead
· Then I remember getting involved in some sort of gameshow where I get clues around the area to look for "kidnapped victims" before they get "killed"
· First few contestants played until it was my turn
· I have to search for the clue left behind on pieces of paper hidden behind piles of junk and debri and also have to watch the video of the "killer" "torturing" the "victims" before getting my next clue
· Dunno why, all the contestants get video tape to watch but I have to watch CD
· My last place led me to someone's house where I found a mini-CD but cannot be played in their CD player
· I borrowed someone's portable toy-like gadget that can fit a mini-CD but it ended up coming out some sort of Disney-esque MCQ game
· Someone came over and asked me if I've finished the gameplay and found the "killer" but I told her I'm still at it doing the MCQ
· The person said that's not the way to complete the gameplay and the person who borrowed me the gadet told me the gadget only detects non-video material
· Frustrated, I took out the mini-CD and tried playing it on the other person's CD player
· I got an odd scene where 2 girls were scolding Superman about not saving them and Superman trying to explain to them that the Great White Shark who attacked them was really professing his love to them
· I more or less completed the game, and despite being the last to arrive, I got first place