• Remember being in an office
• Was supposed to meet someone judging by the way she approached my table and scribbled a note
• Then someone from my other table took the note and tattletale to the boss
• The boss praised her with an evil smile and said he will get to the bottom of this
• Make me worry and couldn't make my next move
• Then the person who wrote the note secretly came in and said she was getting worried when I didn't show up
• I explained to her while trying to leave the office, pretending to have an early lunch
• Then find myself in the kitchen dicing onions trying to make a burger
• Managed to make one for myself but couldn't make one for Joe because we ran out of burger buns
• Then I remember being in a hotel and was ready to go swimming
• Swimming halfway and saw a lightning storm coming
• We all left because we were afraid we might be struck by lightning, but was rested at ease when we saw there is also an indoor pool, which looks more like a jacuzzi
• Then I chatted with some tourist who seemed to be my guests back when I was working in Sunshine
• Then found myself in a room RP-ing with Lil
• We were RPing Harry Potter, but instead of typing words we were in the game, acting out the characters
• Our RP story was Remus being pregnant and Voldemort using his pregnant weakened state to latch onto him like he did on Prof. Quirrel
• We fought and managed to kill him, luckily Remus and the baby was alright
• Then at the end of the RP, some medieval layout appeared on a screen that came out of nowhere and said words like "Remus, Sirius and the Earl Stone Harry Potter" and "THE END"
• We knew it was the end of our RP story and was about to start a new one when I found myself lying on bed with Joe spooning me
• He was feeling me up and diddling me, making me cum twice
• That woke me up a little, but when I went back to sleep, I found myself in a shopping mall
• We separated and I went to a boutique to see it full of people, as if there was a grand sale
• A shop attendant was being disturbingly helpful to me
• A cute-looking guy came in to buy some clothes, throwing the ones he want like a basketball into a basket while putting away the ones that he didn't want
• Whisperings of the shop attendant told me he is the son of the owner of the boutique
• I soon found a dress I want, but I decided to wait for Joe so that he could see how it'll look on me
• While waiting for him I check out some earrings and another shop attendant who looked almost like the one that was disturbingly helpful asked if I want her combing services, which I refused
• Joe finally found me and I told him to wait while I try on the dress
• As soon as the dress was on, I had an out of body experience where I'm watching myself come out and show the dress to Joe
• The only funny thing is that I look like Veronica and Joe looked like Archie from Archie Comics
• Then everything became like a comic sequence in which "Archie" went into a lovesick trance and called "Veronica" Anne-Marie
• Then she suddenly remembered like a past-life memory of her being that name 20 years ago
• She was the charm and beauty of the school which all men want to date but all women hate, but she was a ditz, like a blonde version of Veronica and had to go through special classes to go for exams like everyone else
• Then her father took her away and said vaguely about her being some sort of being that shouldn't have and dumped her in the middle of a desert, saying that his brother will take care of her from there
• But it was a ruse to get her to consummate marriage with a zombie
• Out of the blue, the zombie husband was thrust into a cage and appeared more zombies who claim to have vengeance against her
• Zombie husband begged in his moaning voice not to hurt her but they weren't listening
• Then I more or less woke up