- Wakes up in a well and rescued by a florist who owns the well
- Florist is good friends with a dancer, a scholar and a tailor because of one thing in common: they have the same first names
- An announcement made by the royal advisor that a study of genealogy revealed the four women of noble birthright and called in to become the King's lady-in-waiting to bear him children due to the Queen's ailing condition
- Wallie and Serene ordered to come along as well to be his lucky charm and mascot while he is in a civil cold war with a neighbouring kingdom in exchange for a meeting with an Ever-Being to the Hymanjalai
- Has a special seat on the floor on either side of the King's throne
- Wallie and Serene discovers a clue along with the main maids of the castle leading to a possible hidden ancient treasure within the castle
- Goes together with the florist, dancer and tailor and the maids to treasure-hunt
- Wallie also secrely discovers the scholar planning a rebellion with the people of the castle, buying their loyalty to take down the King and Queen and name herself the first Female King to end the chauvinistic reign
- The treasure-hunt reveals a Puzzle Chamber where they have to piece the puzzle together to find the location of the treasure
- The location reveals a tomb where the last living Prince of the royal family was buried alive with the treasure and his journal revealing his knowledge of infanticide within the royal family and dark Samakh magic in order to let the throne forever belong to the King and Queen
- Wallie and Serene, along with the scholar and her loyal subjects, overthrew the King and Queen and signed a peace treaty with the neighbour kingdom, naming the scholar the Female King
- Scholar fulfills the King's promise and sends the Wiseman to take them to the Ever-Being to meet Hymanjalai
- Hymanjalai in leopard form request gift for safe passage
- Serene offers her hair and they pass through