- Wakes up in a Royal Garden and discovered by Wiseman's 3 assistants
- Just in time for the dethroning of the old ruler and finding a new rule and, again, viewed their arrival as a good sign
- Their way of ruling is to find a pure-blooded Ima'asen amongst all the mixed blood, betrothed to a pure Onuji and rule for at least a century
- Wallie and Serene asked to help locate a new ruler with their powers
- Gets to know the people of the castle and the person going to be betrothed to the new ruler
- In this world, because women are scarce due to a plague that affects only women, some men are blessed with hermaphroditic features, which is what the betrothed's condition was
- Many mixed feelings involved, including the betrothed's dissatisfaction of the whole thing
- The hunt for new ruler took them all the way to the outbacks where Wallie and Serene's butterfly lesions reacted in burning sensation at the sight of a peasant's son
- Taken to the castle to be trained as a ruler and developed a love-hate relationship with the betrothed
- Wallie and Serene worked alongside with the Royal Advisor to help with the training while at the same time, helped resolved feelings between the peasant's son and the betrothed and the Royal Advisor and the General
- The old ruler's brother disagree with the system and wants the throne all to himself, thus declare war with the peasant's son
- The enemy joins forces with still loyal followers of Samakh to overthrow the peasant's son, while the peasant's son fought alongside the royal army and Wallie and Serene
- The inner powers that the peasant's son had never really used awakened and defeated the enemy
- Celebrates victory with a coronation and a double wedding
- The new ruler's friend, who is a Seer, and the Wiseman take Wallie and Serene to an Ever-Being to see Hymanjalai
- Hymanjalai in monkey form requests gift for safe passage
- Serene offers her last baby tooth and passes through