- Both wake up in a grand posh bed and dressed in very beautiful clothes
- Find themselves in some sort of dream world that calms the soul and both Ima'asen and Onuji (humans) live together in peace and harmony
- Meets an archer elf and Wallie immediately takes a liking to him despite knowing she is already engaged
- Led to a castle where resides the Human King and his Nymph Queen
- Allowed to make themselves at home while they request their Wiseman to contact the Ever-Being for a meeting with the Hymanjalai
- Surprised to feel a burning sensation on their backs but were assured they are alright
- While Serene makes friends with the people around, the love relationship between Wallie and the archer elf blossomed
- Elf hinted Wallie to check out the Forgotten Library after learning Wallie's love for reading
- Wallie and Serene discovers in the Ancient Section a dusty scroll that prophesied two people from another dimension entering this dimension to save it from a resurrecting evil
- As soon as they read it, the burning sensation increased, revealing a lesion on their back the shape of butterfly wings
- A half-breed lured by a Samakh follower with promises of riches kidnapped the girls with the help of some remnants
- About to be sacrificed for Samakh's resurrection when the King sent his troops and those willing to help on an all-out rescue mission
- As Wallie and Serene were nursed back to health, Wallie realized the dire situation and knows she will put everyone in danger with her presence and that her love with the elf can never be
- The elf understands her plight and gives her a parting gift
- Wiseman passes Wallie and Serene to Ever-Being to be taken to the fields
- Hymanjalai in snake form request gift for safe passage
- Wallie offers her hair and passes through