- Wakes up on the shores of a beach
- Discovered by a Wiseman and his eldest nephew (the Chief's son) who just came back from hunting
- Taken to their village and welcomed warmly at first
- Been mistaken as sacrificial lambs to alleviate them from their long-standing famine by the overzealous Chief
- Rescued by the Chief's sons and became fugitives
- Eldest son believes it is caused by remnants of Samakh that resides underground, causing the famine and hates the Chief for blindly sacrificing their eldest sister
- Youngest son claims to have recurring dreams of 7 princess fairies warning them of a coming flood and to find a legendary flower to cure the famine
- Wallie and Serene believes the youngest son and convinces the eldest son to build a raft
- The flood really comes and the team went through many obstacles before entering the realm of Ima'asen
- Meets the 7 princess fairies and were confirmed of the eldest son's suspicion of Samakh remnants causing the famine
- Eldest son falls in love with youngest princess and aims to please
- Cause of remnants running free is the disappearance of the High Being and her garden of legendary flowers
- Ventures to the realm of the remnants to rescue the High Being, who is held captive by the strongest remnant of all
- After rescue, High Being appears in Wallie and Serene's dream to thank them and allows them to take the seed of the flower to be planted across the land
- Eldest son chooses to stay in Ima'asen to be with the princess he loves
- The rest returns with the flower seeds to cure the famine
- The Wiseman offers to take Wallie and Serene to a Ever-Being to take them to meet Hymanjalai in the Ancient Vineyards
- Hymanjalai in Kangaroo form request a gift for safe passage
- Wallie gives her mother's wedding ring and passes through