Hey! You probably have seen my glitch in the matrix post and now I have another one headed your way.
These are creepiest experiences.
WORST VACATION by reddit user spectre_alabama
I was on vacation in Ithaca with my boyfriend at the time. We had literally, I’m talking 10 minutes, just gotten into town and stopped at a suspension bridge near Cornell’s campus. I’m terrified of heights and, so, my boyfriend was coaxing me step by step over the bridge. It was gorgeous and we stopped at the middle to take a picture. On the side we had come from there was a parking lot with steps leading to the bottom of the gorge but on the far side there were hiking paths with no barrier.
A woman walked past us and offered to take a picture for us. We declined and she smiled and walked quickly to the far side of the bridge where she smoothly jumped off into the gorge. There was not a second of hesitation, it was almost like she expected the path to keep going. The sound of a person hitting the ground from a jump like that sticks with you.
MESSAGES FROM THE RADIO by reddit user bigsol81
I was playing around with a radio once when I was a kid, just slowly spanning through the static trying to find a station. I had found an old television antenna, attached it to the side of our house and ran a wire out my window to it with an alligator clip attached to the radio antenna, allowing me to get a way broader range of signals.
So I’m sitting there, early in the morning (like 2am), slowly sweeping frequencies, and suddenly I get to this station that’s playing this very weird crackling sound. It sounded sort of like cracking knuckles, or maybe Rice Crispies cereal, but with a fixed, rhythmic pattern instead of being random. I sat there listening to it for a second, then it suddenly stopped and this faint voice says “It doesn’t work. We’re already dead. We’re already dead.”
It took a second for the weight of the words to hit me, but when they did I freaked the fuck out and almost threw the radio across the room.
AN UPSETTING DEATH by reddit user DeeJayLiz
My parents bought their first house back in 1972. It was a fixer-upper, but they decided to move in right away and fix things as time/money permitted.
Within a few days of moving in, the new neighbors came over to introduce themselves. They also let my parents know that the previous owners had moved out after a nasty divorce. They had lost their second baby from SIDS, and their relationship went downhill from there.
My parents were horrified, more so because they were newly pregnant and couldn’t imagine going through such a thing.
They eventually pretty much forgot all about it. Life went on. They were in love with their new life and their new house.
In preparation for the baby, they decided to wallpaper the nursery. Now, my Dad told my mom there was no need in wallpapering the inside of the closet, but she insisted. She was kneeling down, scraping off old paint inside of the closet when her eyes fell upon something that made her blood turn to ice.
Written in crayon, at about eye level for a kindergardner, in childish scrawl was: I KILLED THE BABY
SWAYING SHOES by reddit user SkippersLost
My wife and I used to live in a townhome that backed to some woods. We both took off work one day to get some things done in the yard, cutting the grass, weeding our large flower beds, laying mulch etc.
Our yard wasn’t big; it took about two full grass clipping bags. I would walk a couple of feet into the woods and dump them in a pile.
As I’m walking back to empty the second bag, something in the middle of the woods catches my eye. Something out of place and it’s moving.
I crouched down to get a better look and I just froze. At first, I could make out a pair of shoes just swaying back and forth and then was able to see the legs and body of a teenager. There in the middle of the woods was a teenage boy who had hung himself. Next to the tree, I could see a skateboard leaning up against it.
I yelled for my wife to call the police and started running back to try and save him but he was gone. His body was limp and his head was was just slumped over. His dark scruffy hair was slowly blowing in the breeze.
The cops came and quickly cut him down and they were gone.
THINK ABOUT THE CHILDREN by reddit user Viridis_Coy
I used to work in a trailer park for my parents. Quite often, people would start using methamphetamine, begin to fall behind on rent and get evicted. Whenever we evicted someone their trailer was usually too torn to shit to actually do anything useful with it. Essentially, to prevent having a pile o’ shit trailer in the middle of the park, we’d buy it from them and just tear it down.
Anyway, the the scary/creepy part. Many of these occupants had children. More than half of all of all of the children’s rooms I found had locks on the doors, from the outside. Inside the children’s rooms, it was always quite evident that the kids would sometimes be locked inside for days at a time, due to the “bathroom” corners that would sometimes appear. The doors on the insides of the rooms typically had scratch marks along the edge of the door and the door frame.
Getting rid of all of the stuff inside before beginning demolition always frightened me. I was always afraid that I’d end up finding a dead child somewhere among the filth. It never happened, but the odds of it potentially happening were, in my opinion, quite high.
A CAR RIDE THROUGH THE WOODS by reddit user Newbs280
There is a thread somewhere that described a guy taking a scenic route in the middle of the night to get to a certain town. He was driving up a hill, and came upon a car accident with two cars on the side of the road and a person lying down on the ground. For some reason he caught a bad vibe from it, and slowly drove past the scene. He stopped about 100 feet past it, looked behind him, and the person on the ground was standing up and staring at him, with about 20 other people coming out of the woods.
WAKING UP IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT by reddit user CrackheadSally
When I was 7, I woke up in the middle of the night with an earache. I decided to tell my mom and step dad and walked out of my room. Someone was sitting on the chair in the living room (about 3 feet away from my bedroom door). The person looked strange (the face was just kind of distorted) but it was dark and I couldn’t see well. “Mom?” I asked. The person shook their head, and I started getting scared. “Mike?”. The person shook their head again. I decided the best course of option was to go back to bed so I wouldn’t have to walk past this…person. I climbed in bed, and closed my eyes for a second, before opening them and seeing the person standing in my doorway, smiling madly and nodding furiously.
I screamed at the top of my lungs and closed my eyes. My step dad came running out of his room in his underwear with a baseball bat (that was a scary sight in itself). There was nothing there, but clothes my mom had folded and put on the chair where strewn about the living room. For the longest time I told myself it was my cat, sitting on the clothes.
CLOSER TO DEATH by reddit user AllTheCheesecake
My dad died of cancer the day I turned 16 after about two weeks in a coma. It was really fast - less than two months between diagnosis and death. He died in the house. (we had a hospice attendant and my mom was very good about seeing to him in those final days).
Anyway, a lot of weird shit happened after he passed, but the one that still freaks me out when I think about it happened about 12 hours before he took to bed for the last time. He was in our living room napping on the couch while my mom was in the kitchen cooking. No one else was home.
Suddenly, he jerked awake and was shouting for my mom in a very loud, agitated voice. Clearly angry with her. “Beverly! Don’t do that! Don’t EVER do that again!”
She ran into the room, alarmed and asked what he was talking about, and he said, “Don’t do that. Don’t walk past me like that in that long, black wig.”
Sometimes I think he saw death.
FOOTPRINTS by reddit user madeanotheraccount
Hell, I lived in a house once that had child sized footprints on the ceiling of one of the bedrooms. Extremely high ceilings. I could think of no way someone would get a child’s feet up there. Not even climbing up a ladder and holding a kid upside down could’ve done it.
The full thread is here