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The Little Boy

My boyfriend and I own our first flat in England and were pretty excited about it.

We have 2 bedrooms and one wasn’t being used, that is until Leon’s (my boyfriend) brother asked if he could stay for the week. Leon and Kyle’s dad recently had a stroke and was in the hospital only half an hour away drive from us and Kyle lived a good 4 hours away so he wanted to stay and see his dad and use our spare room. We both had no problem with it.

So Kyle pulls up outside and he has bought his son Corey, who’s 5, with him. Hmm… ok I thought it was just Kyle and I personally didn’t fancy taking care of a kid too. Sounds very mean but I also had this week off and I had planned to go out and see friends, and I didn’t exactly want to be stuck baby-sitting, especially since I never knew Corey was staying over. I don’t really like children and images of him breaking my PS4, messing up my bath bombs and just causing a mess went around in my mind.

"It’s only for a week and I promise I will help out" Leon told me.

Ugh fine. Let’s just get it over with.

“So Kyle what’s with Corey? You never mentioned him coming over” I raised over dinner.

“Oh yeah.. Sorry, well my wife didn’t want him. He’s taken to drawing on the walls”

And he bought that kid to our new flat? Great.

Later Leon and I were in bed with the lights off watching Netflix on our iPad and just having a cuddle. It was around 2-3 in the morning and the door opens. It’s Corey just standing there looking at us.

“You OK buddy? You want some warm milk?” Leon shouts over.

“Yes” Corey just says.

Leon gets out of bed to sort him out and then a few minutes later he’s back in bed watching our film.

The next day Corey just said that he’s lost ‘the boy’ and is looking everywhere in the flat. Behind the sofa, behind the TV and just practically running around like a loon.

“What boy?” Kyle asks while behind down to his knees to look at him.

“He’s hiding.”

We all shrug it off that maybe he’s making stuff up. After all being with adults all day and no other kids, he may be lonely.

When it came to bed time, Corey was laughing and talking to someone in the spare room that him and Kyle were now occupying. It was like he’s having a full blown conversation with someone silent, well as much as a 5 year old could have.

I practically didn’t care as I thought back to earlier thinking that he’s just lonely and made a friend up or something.

Nothing happened the next morning and during lunch.

Kyle planned to go to the hospital and stay there until pretty late. As their dad was in a private hospital their visiting times were great and we could practically visit him anytime we wanted.

So me and Leon are in bed watching Netflix again with the flat to ourselves. Back to normal! At least for the night anyway.

We finished watching a TV episode and Netflix was just about to start the next episode when we paused it. I went into the kitchen to grab some beer for us and I grabbed some crisps too. Leon was in the loo at the end of the hall. I jumped in bed and started to open a beer for us when he came back down the hallway.
“Ready?” Leon says as he’s got his hand on the light just about to turn it off.

“Ready” I say smiling back at him.

He turns towards the light switch when we both see it. A child like shadow - the same size as Corey walk past our door and into the spare room.

"God damn it Corey. Why are you awake?" Leon just shouts while laughing down he hallway at him.

“Babe….. Kyle and Corey are with your dad… Remember?” I’m stuttering now.

We shut the door to whatever it was and leave the lights on.

The next day I got some smudging sticks and we practically went around the whole flat saying a prayer.

Corey was upset that his friend was gone. He said he can’t see him anymore.

Thank god whatever it was went, and Corey and Kyle have also gone now. Double happiness!

Credits to: Lori williams (


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