"Jared Wilson, 22, attempted suicide, attempt one."
The words scrolled up the teleprompter, which were now heard by millions of people around the world. The first device allowing coma patients to communicate to the outside world. It had always been theorized that they were receptive of outside noises, but for the first time ever, they were able to communicate in return.
The countdown began, and the tension in the room weighed on every breath. We were nervous… the world was nervous. The timer hit 0, the power was turned on, and for a moment there was silence.
Then it started, a high pitched wailing noise. It was agonizing to listen to. I yelled out to the attendant to kill the power, but he was unable to hear me. The technical difficulties overlay was put on the television broadcasts, and the machine was immediately silenced.
Jared remained still, almost as if simply asleep.
Technicians flooded to the machine, each vocalizing their theories on what had gone wrong. A few agreed that it was an audio issue, one said it was an error with the software… but one engineer remained silent. He was visibly shaken after running the software diagnostic, and we soon learned why.
"He… it’s… the machine is working fine. Jared… that was screaming. Jared was screaming."
Credits to: ElizaberryLOL