My name is Richard.
I eat souls.
That’s an improper way to introduce myself - I know - but you’re not here for formality.
My organization has an opening.
(We eat souls.)
We’d like to see you join.
What’s my story? I’m glad you asked.
My son was a fighter pilot in WWII. He was shot down. There’s a signing bonus at our organization, once you’re hired, you get to make a Wish before you have to start. I got two more weeks with my boy. That was my Wish, and I was happy with it.
We do good work. We grant Wishes - Wishes that desperately need granted - and all it costs is one soul (the client’s soul, no other soul will do). It means a life of hell for them, but to each his own, and it’s how we eat.
Wait till midnight. Don’t forget your resume. Set up two mirrors facing each other, stand in the middle, make sure the lights are out. Close your eyes, spin around three times, and say “I’m here to see Richard” before you look in the mirror again. My secretary will patch you through.
It’s a no-risk interview.
(Unless you’re hired.)
Credits to: will_work_for_food_