I am not very good with technology, so when Google Now updates things without my knowledge, it scares me a bit.
At first it was only routes and nearby eateries.
Last month, while leaving work, it showed me a different route home. Assuming heavy traffic on the usual route, I took it. It took me about an hour.
When I got home, the news channel was flashing with an accident on my usual route.. from five minutes ago.
The other day I was out shopping, when Google Now alerted me of a florist nearby which sold bouquets especially for funerals. I brushed it off as a promotional offer.
That very day, I received news that one of my friends had died from sudden kidney failure. At her funeral, I saw many floral bouquets from the florist from Google Now.
Now, as I’m sitting on the bathroom floor, run out of my depression medicines, and wondering why Google Now didn’t remind me to buy more, I watch as it updates itself again.
Google Search results for Quick, painless ways to kill yourself.
Credits to: primorialdwarf