Gun toting cronies of the government don’t scare me. They have been trying to stop me for two years now. The neighbourhood watches formed to prevent me from practicing my art are a sham.
Most of the neighbourhoods that I have left my mark on have preferred to stay indoors after dark. The announcements of the rewards, the planned combing operations, the expert trackers, the dog squads don’t deter me at all. I like the epithets they have for me, monster, cold blooded child killer, psycho and my favourite “The ripper”.
My lust for human blood grows every day.
I have always liked hunting. I always chose the weakest targets. When I was a younger it started with small animals, defenceless, weak. I never killed them at a go. They always had to bleed, had to try to escape, had to put up a shammy resistance. I like my victims to think they have some hope, that they can escape, that someone will rescue them before they die. I have always killed my victims very close to their houses.
The young girls were the most fun. They were so shocked when I picked them up, they hardly made any noise. But later while they bled, the squeals would have made a lesser person squeamish. Not me though, I liked to see my face covered in their blood as I gazed at my reflection before I cleaned myself.
The younger men, they were the sporty ones. They planned, plotted, begged, bargained to get out. One of them actually thought he could escape my lair. But sadly, once I brought them in, there was no going back for them. I couldn’t afford to let them go. They would have the authorities on me in a flash.
It has been so long that I have forgotten how many I have killed. I have changed hideouts at least 8 times because situations turned too close for comfort. It has always been thus, I have hunted and have been hunted.
But today, the blood on me is my own. They finally got me. The three iron spikes through my body will make sure I don’t leave this trap alive. Someone needs to tell the authorities, maneater or not, there are very few of us tigers left.
Credits to: anjit75in