My Grandfather invented a revolutionary device that paved the way to the Golden Era of Humanity… the Negative Impulse Canceller, AKA NIC.
It was a straight forward device, a microchip imbedded just under the scalp at the base of the skull. It subjected its user to short sudden pain when they become even remotely inclined to do something malicious.
They tried it on criminals on the death row with a hundred percent success rate.
Everyone was soon urged to wear one. Governments clamoured to legalize its use. Even the critics were forced to admit its efficacy when the crime rates plummeted. There was even an online up-link for all the NICs in use to keep tabs on the mental health of its hosts.
Now as I’m having tea with a friend, an odd thought strayed across my mind. The muscle atrophies, weakens when not in use. If the people stopped making their own decisions and became dependent on NIC, would their conscience also wither?
Out of nothing else but pure curiosity, I opened the minute paper that contained the NIC’s kill code. All I had to do was mentally read the numbers forwards twice, backwards once and forward again. I waited as my NIC transmitted the command to everybody else, through the up-link.
I stared across the table at my friend whom I was having tea with. He gave me a wide grin while gently tugging his scarf loose. I gave him a smile while I slowly and surreptitiously reached for the letter opener.