On Monday, October 17th, 2005, Jamie Miller was found dead in her room in a pool of blood on her bed. It has not yet been determined whose blood she was lying in, because while she was covered in scratches, she did not seem to have lost enough blood to create a pool that size. Her mirror was shattered. Upon further inspection of the house, her mother was found dead in the basement with a shard of broken bottle in her head, and two other people were also in the basement, but alive. They were found tied up and barely conscious, covered in what seemed to be fingernail-inflicted cuts. On Jamie’s computer was a diary application, in which the following entries were found.
Monday, October 3rd
Dear Diary,
Today, I walked by HIM in the hallway and we made eye contact. I really want to know what goes through his mind! What if he just makes eye contact with everyone? He looked fantastic today, though. Red looks really good on him, but it was like dark red, which looked even better. He wore those shoes that I love, too. Also, I think I’m coming down with something. My head hurts and my nose is kind of stuffy. I really hope it goes away before the choir concert this weekend!
Tuesday, October 4th
Dear Diary,
We got new seats in biology today, and I’m sitting right behind him! Now I have a really good closeup of his gorgeous blond curls. And get this, he offered me a piece of gum! I mean, it was after I asked if he had any, but still. I chewed that piece of gum for hours. Remember how I was getting sick? My ears have started ringing. My mom says it could be an ear infection. I don’t want to miss school now that things are going so well with him! :(
Wednesday, October 5th
Dear Diary,
I’m really coming down with something now. My head hurts almost all the time and the ringing in my ears has gotten worse! Mom says she’ll take me to the doctor this weekend after the choir concert. On the bright side, today I asked him if he was going to the concert, and he said he might! I’m so excited, and hopefully I’ll see him there.
Thursday, October 6th
Dear Diary,
I woke up this morning with really sore legs. I guess I fell asleep curled up again. I had a terrible headache again, but I went to school because we have double periods. That’s twice as much time I can spend with him! I guess I kind of zoned out because during class, he kept asking me if I was okay, and I only noticed a few minutes later when most of the class was staring at me. It was super embarrassing…:( but on the plus side, CHOIR CONCERT TOMORROW!
Friday, October 7th
Dear Diary,
Today was the choir concert. My throat was really hoarse. He showed up, but he brought a girl. A GIRL. After all of my careful flirting (like asking him for gum!) and trying to look cute every single day, he brought a girl to my choir concert! I watched them the whole time, and I think he noticed. He smiled at first but then looked kind of creeped out. I hope it wasn’t too bad…maybe they’re just friends!
Saturday, October 8th
Dear Diary,
Today I went to the doctor with my mom. I have a new doctor, her name is Dr. Butler. She asked if I was sleeping okay, and that’s weird, because I totally am! I go out like a light and don’t wake up again until my alarm goes off. I think I have dark circles under my eyes because sometimes I forget to eat. The good news is, I don’t have an ear infection. Dr. Butler looked worried about other stuff and told me I should start taking vitamins, and then she prescribed me a painkiller for my headache. She said if it didn’t go away, I should see a neurologist…I’m kind of worried but I mean, it’s no big deal yet, right? The weekends are long and boring but at least I get to look forward to seeing him on Monday!
Sunday, October 9th
Dear Diary,
Today I woke up with a scratch on my face and blood on my pillow. I don’t know how it got there, I guess I scratched myself in my sleep while I was moving around or something. I’m really sore still, and my headache hasn’t gone away, even with the painkillers. I wonder what’s up. My mom wants to call the neurologist that Dr. Butler recommended, but I told her to give it some time. I put a bandaid on my face over the scratch just in case it decides to heal faster that way…I need to look cute tomorrow!
Monday, October 10th
Dear Diary,
Mom didn’t want me to go to school today because my head hurt so bad when I woke up that I could barely keep my eyes open, but I told her I couldn’t miss any class or I’d have loads of make up work. I passed him in the hallway this morning…he was walking with the girl from the choir concert. He didn’t even give me the usual glance! He seemed really animated, too. I think I hate her. It’s just not fair! I’ve liked him for so long and she just stomped in and made him like her like it was nothing. I need to find out more about her.
Tuesday, October 11th
Dear Diary,
When I woke up, I was just as sore as usual. My mom scheduled an appointment with the neurologist for my headaches, too. While I was brushing my teeth, I noticed the freakiest thing EVER…there was blood under my fingernails! I think I was scratching myself again, but I couldn’t find any scratches on my body besides the one on my face. Anyway, when I went to school, he was walking alone. I don’t know where his friend went, but man, am I glad she’s gone! I can barely remember anything else from school. I guess it’s a good thing my mom scheduled that neuro appointment. I really just want to be normal again.
Wednesday, October 12th
Dear Diary,
The craziest thing happened today. School was canceled because there’s a missing person in the area and everyone thinks it was an abduction. And, get this - IT WAS THE GIRL FROM THE CHOIR CONCERT. I don’t understand. I’m really scared. I didn’t like her, but I don’t want her to go missing, either. There are posters all over town. They say she was last seen at home on Monday night. I’m so freaked out, I don’t know what to do. Mom won’t let me leave the house because she thinks I’ll get abducted, too. I can’t really do much except lay in bed. I hope things are back to normal soon.
Thursday, October 13th
Dear Diary,
I think my vision is going bad.Today I looked in the mirror, and it was like I wasn’t solid. My shape kept shifting and there was this shadow around me. I told my mom, and she looked at me funny and kind of sucked in her breath and said she had to make a phone call. I heard her talking to Dr. Butler. I wonder what’s up.
Friday, October 14th
Dear Diary,
He went missing. There are more posters around town. I’m scared…there are gaps in my memory and my mom locks me into my room all day. It has something to do with my headaches, I think. Dr. Butler is unreachable. I just want him to be okay. That’s all I want. I stare out my window all day because I have nothing to do in my room. At least I’m allowed out at night. Wish mom would stop ignoring me. She won’t even look at me.
Saturday, October 15th
I woke up this morning. Looked in the mirror. I was covered in blood. Don’t think it’s my own. Don’t know what to do. I think mom went out. When I yell for her, I can’t hear anything but static in my own head. Going to lie in bed all day and hope she comes home.
Sunday, October 16th
Cant remember anything from today dont know what i did. mom still gone. gonna stay in bed again. broike my mirror because i wasnt me
Monday, October 17th
#define MQDLL_W_ERROR_TEXT TEXT(“MQutil.dll”)
HRESULT GetErrorText(
DWORD dwErrorCode,
TCHAR **ppErrorText,
DWORD *pdwCHAR * pMsgBuf = NULL;
DWORD dw// Validate the input parameters
if (ppErrorText == NULL || pdwSize == NULL)
Submitted by officialsalad