I do believe there are friendly ghosts in this world. In fact, I believe one lives in my home.
After getting out of the shower one day I noticed a game of hangman was drawn in the steam on my bathroom mirror. I checked and scoured the house for an intruder but there was none. I looked on in disbelief.
I wiped the mirror away and before my next shower I scoured the house, every nook and cranny, made sure all the doors were locked, and when I got out, yet another game of hangman was drawn onto the mirror. I wrote a letter off to the side, an ‘h.’ My next shower the first letter was filled in, an ‘h.’ I played until I eventually won with the word, “hello.”
Games like this went on for awhile and I always managed to win. Honestly, it was fun, I had a little ghost friend in my house.
One day, getting out of the shower, a new game appeared, the gallows were there with three blank spaced at the bottom. I guessed an ‘A,’ and on my next shower a head appeared. Next time I guessed an ‘R,’ a body appeared. I guessed and failed again, arms. In a last ditch effort I guessed an O. I awaited my next shower, and legs appeared. All the letters were filled in, “Bye.” I wiped the mirror away and the thing I saw behind me wasn’t the ghost of a child, but something twisted and sinister.
I ran and haven’t been home since, I don’t know what to do.
Credits to: photofreecreepypasta