I was sitting at the edge of the dock, facing the lake and watching the sunset. It was really nice but it was stating to get dark and my co-counsellor would want me back to the cabin. I had the seniors that year so it wasn’t too much of a hassle for one.
I then notice that there is the sound of footsteps on grass behind me. It’s very dark now. I wait until I hear them on the gravel, then on the dock. They stop. It was probably the kitchen crew trying to scare me, they enjoyed doing that to unsusepecting counsellors.
I turn around slowly, tuning on my flashlight to see who it was. My flashlight hits a figure, seven, maybe eight, feet tall. It was white - not caucasian white, a creepy iridescent white- it was probably male, based on the fact it was so large. It was just… standing, not doing anything or reaching for me. I was too terrified to look at its face. We both stand, not saying a word.
I sprint back to the cabins, thank god I was in the ones at the bottom of the hill this year. I come back to my cabin and tell my co-counsellor all out of breath. She panics too and runs to get the other three cabins into this one.
We gather all the objects we can use was weapons in our cabin and we barricade the doors. It was crowded now with not only our seniors, but intermediate and junior campers as well. They all tuck in their sleeping bags, confused as to why they all have to sleep in this cabin. The counsellors are all terrified. I spent the night clutching a baseball bat, I don’t think I slept for that whole week honestly.
I never saw it again but I always hear of a camper who was out too late or a counsellor walking outside at night who sees it. Its usually in the woods just outside the field. I always remember not to go outside after curfew.
Credits to: photofreecreepypasta