It happens mostly on rainy days and nights. When the air is wet, heavy and humid; creating a thick fog all around. It doesn’t happen to everyone, and who knows why, but it can happen.
Sometimes, you’ll be driving, coming home from work or school, after a long busy day. You just want to get home, climb into bed and take a nap or maybe get something to eat, but you’re tired none-the-less. You’ll notice the fog slowly growing worse, the longer you drive, but it doesn’t seem like anything to worry about, just bad weather. You’ve driven this route more times than you can count, not like you’ll get lost, but that’s when it happens.
The fog is even thicker now, you can barely see a foot or two in front of the car, and it’s even worse if it’s dark out. You’ll be driving, expecting to come to that familiar curve or intersection, and then you notice it never comes. The road just seems to keep moving forward, the surroundings engulfed and muffled by the fog. You’ll assume you were just getting ahead of yourself and hadn’t actually made it that far yet, but that feeling will soon fade. You’ll keep driving, following the straight road, getting more and more confused what’s going on, did you make a wrong turn and somehow become lost? You’re mind will be anxious and wild, sometimes old memories will seem to suddenly show up on your mind, as well as people or other things you may never thought about in quite sometime. But, no, don’t worry about it all, just keep driving.
Eventually you will finally reach a point that seems recognizable and the road will suddenly revert to your normal path, and hopefully you will make it home. Other people are not always as fortunate. Sometimes people feel so lost, they may stop the car, pull over, and do the worst thing they can do. They get out of the car, they try to find where they’ve ended up, but only get themselves more lost, it’s a dangerous place to be. Who knows what that place really is, some dark demented reality? Maybe some kind of Limbo? No one really knows, and many will never experience such a thing, but trust me, you don’t want to be there.
Credits to: originalpastas