Mathis met my eyes, an embarrassed smile flickering across his face. “I know how this sounds. I do. But as my hands brushed against them, I could feel the tips…the roots…of thousands or millions of teeth stacked on their sides like tiny bricks, all facing outward like a mouth turned inside out. I could see more now—it wasn’t bright in there, but there was a kind of glow in the air, or maybe my eyes just got used to the dark.” “Then there was light…real light…crawling through the gaps in the teeth, coming in from something outside that was getting closer. I put my eyes up to different holes, but I couldn’t see anything more than moving shadows. So I put my ear against the wall instead, and I could hear someone talking. The air was so thick in that place, it was like it made the words slow to travel, and even those that reached me seemed distorted and strange. But there were two voices I think. And they were talking about killing an animal.” I spasmed...
Stories that are collected from the depths of the unknown or spawned from the deep recesses of my mind...