I'm sorry for the way I ended my last update, but I had little time to spare. My Daughter Marcy has been stuck, becoming a part of the house my husband and Stan are mortgaging now for days. First it started with her hand then it pulled her in further . It ate a priest and it retaliated when we tried to smash it apart. I thought we had exhausted all options by this point. But I was wrong. We've been wrong this entire time. And now that I can speak with a level head I can get the story straight. I called Tim as I raced to the house and told him what his brother was about to do. "Jesus. You need to call the cops," Tim told me. I thought about the power that the house seemed to exert over anyone that cane close to it. "No... we can't let this thing hurt more people. It controls anyone that steps foot inside. But I need your help. I think now I can fight it... but I’ll need you Tim, You know him better than any...
Stories that are collected from the depths of the unknown or spawned from the deep recesses of my mind...