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Showing posts from August, 2019

My Friend has been Living in An Alternate Reality - (Part 10)

ENTRY 32: I’ve been having a hard time trying to wrap my head around Kagenori’s words. It… it couldn’t be, right? I mean, how the fuck could the world have come to this? Well, I didn’t need to wait much longer for further explanations. Kagenori woke a few hours later. After devouring some forest-creature meat, he finally told me and Lauren how the hell he ended up here. As it turns out, he went into hiding in Paradise X after our initial break-in. But since the whole city was kind of a mess to begin with, he was never actually caught. He tried staying hidden on the streets for a few days before he started going delirious from the lack of food in his system. Eventually, somebody stumbled upon him singing to himself in an alleyway. The guy took him into his apartment and fed him some energy bars. “Those things were fucking vile” he told me. “But you gotta eat something.” The guy – named Ace, was nice enough to let him stay. But from the way that he described it… the place sounded like...

My Friend has been Living in An Alternate Reality - (Part 9)

ENTRY 27: It feels like the days are getting shorter here. But that isn't necessarily a bad thing. The place looks nice at night. It almost feels surreal at times. A small, peaceful civilization that’s just 50 meters up from absolute hell on land. I can hear the zombies moving around at night. You’d might think that it would make it impossible to sleep, but the sounds of distant footsteps touching the soil is actually somewhat ambient. And after all the shit that I’ve been through… it's a welcome change. You’ll rarely hear about a dispute around here. Everybody has job, and they don’t mind doing it. Hell, there really aren’t many options. People need to eat and shooting down birds doesn’t seem sustainable. That’s why twice a week, they’ll send out a hunting team of 5-7 in order to scavenge animals and plants. Remember those forest creatures I was talking about? Well apparently they’re like a delicacy here. I almost spat out the meat when somebody showed me what I was actuall...

My Friend has been Living in An Alternate Reality - (Part 8)

ENTRY 26: I’ve never really liked the ocean. The vast, empty nothingness that just spans out into an apparent infinity. It’s one of the few concepts that’s really bothered over the years. But I’ve never known how bad it could really be. Until now, that is. The serenity of the calm sea didn’t last too long. As Desh - the ship pilot, carried us along the black waters, I started feeling a sense of urgency in the air. I couldn’t explain it, but I could tell that everybody else felt the same way. They all looked uneasy for some reason. I soon realized why. Not too far up ahead, there was an area in the water that was just a bit darker than the rest. It also seemed to be moving. We all just eyed it with caution, not entirely sure of what the hell it was. I don’t think any of us expected what happened next, though. Something started rising out of the water. It was a ship. Almost looked like a submarine of sorts. But it looked old and rusty. Hard to understand how it was still even function...

My Friend has been Living in An Alternate Reality - (Part 7)

Hey guys, sorry for the long wait. The job's been pretty unforgivable lately. Really had to focus on it this past week. However... it's been hard to do that. Especially after reading the next few entries of Clint's journal. This shit just keeps getting crazier. --- ENTRY 19: It’s been one month and I'm already sick of this fucking place. It’s hard to find motivation to even write. Thought I’d give it a chance today. I gotta hold on to some semblance of sanity somehow. The rules here are fucked. If the guards catch you sitting down more than once while you’re mining in the hole, you get pistol-whipped. If you can’t physically work anymore, you get dragged away and dropped down a shaft. It doesn’t even look like they want to do it… I think they’re scared of something. Scared of the warden. Following the days where we make slow progress, we’ll usually be met with a new set of guards. Who the hell knows what happens to the old ones. Well… I have an idea but… whatever. ...

My Friend has been Living in An Alternate Reality - (Part 6)

ENTRY 17: I don’t know what the hell Kunz is trying to do right now. He seems to be trying to unshackle himself. I asked him what his plan was supposed to be, given the fact that we were probably over an ocean right now. He just stared at me with a demented look in his eye. “Fuck if I know. Can’t get locked up there, though.” He sputtered. “I’ve heard the stories... makes Paradise X sound like an actual paradise” Admittedly, those words disturbed me. I hadn’t really thought about where we were going. If civilization was so bad here, I can’t fathom what the prisons were like. -- ENTRY 18: Fuck me, somebody just came in. He’s tossing everybody parachutes. What the hell is happening? -- ENTRY 19: This shit... it just keeps escalating. After the guard tossed us the parachutes, he opened the plane doors. A gust of wind hit me in the face as I stared out into the black sky. Kunz asked him what the hell was going on. “Low on fuel” the guard gave him a twisted smirk. “Can’t drop you o...

My Friend has been Living in An Alternate Reality - (Part 5)

ENTRY 10: Some interesting developments have just occurred. Whether they’re good or not is left to be decided. I guess my adrenaline was spiked the fuck up, because I decided to jump out of that dumpster, gun raised. As soon as I did, both cops rushed me. They saw that I was armed, for sure… but I guess they didn’t care. I shot the guy without the tattoo before being taken down by the other one. I took a couple of baton blows to the ribs before he was restrained by Christian. He groaned, shouting at me in short, guttural bursts. “Kill me you fuck! I don’t care!” I told him to calm the hell down. Then I laid it all out to him. I told him where we came from. That we were from Earth. His expression seemed to change drastically after that. He was listening intently. “What happened to you, huh? How’d you get here?” Christian eventually asked. As it turns out, he was a German-American named Kunz Steiner. He used to be part of the 82nd airborne division of the US army. One day - on a mi...