Martha (1:03): I need you to come home right now please
David (1:05): What?
Martha (1:05): Please, please, I’m begging
David (1:06): I’m at work, what’s wrong?
Martha (1:06): I can’t find her anywhere
David (1:07): Who? Lily?
Martha (1:07): YES! She was on the couch watching Sesame Street. I was on the sofa across form her. I must have fallen asleep, because when I woke up she wasn’t there
David (1:07): Are the doors locked? Are any windows broken?
Martha (1:08): NO! That’s the thing. Everything seems fine. I feel sick to my stomach. Please come home, I can’t deal with things like this without you.
David (1:08): Check her closet. She likes to hide there sometimes, when she doesn’t want to put away her toys.
Martha (1:08): Right the closet. Ok. Hold on.
Martha (1:10): She’s not there… David please just come home now, please.
David (1:13): Are you sure you’ve checked absolutely everywhere?
Martha (1:13): YES! I have. Please just come home. I can’t deal with this alone.
David (1:14): Alright, I’m on my way. Give everything one more look.
Martha (1:14): Ok I will.
David (1:20): Any luck?
Martha (1:21): No. Where are you?
David (1:22): I’m about to pull into the highway.
Martha (1:22): Oh god, David please, I need you to hurry.
David (1:22): I’m trying. I can’t fly over there, now can I?
David (1:23): I’m sorry I’m on my way. Do you think maybe she crawled under the dining room table or under the bed?
Martha (1:24): I’ve checked everywhere. I’m so confused.
David (1:25): Maybe she heard the ice cream truck and slipped out the door? Ask the neighbors if they saw anything.
Martha (1:25): Good idea. I’m going right now.
David (1:30): What did they say?
David (1:34): Martha?
Martha (1:39): I’m so confused.
David (1:40): What happened?
Martha (1:41): I heard the Petersons come downstairs. I think it was Sofia. I swear she looked through the peephole, but she wouldn’t let me in.
David (1:41): The Petersons were always sort of a “don’t bother us” family. What about the Rogers?
Martha (1:41): They didn’t even answer. I don’t think they were home.
Martha (1:41): I looked up and down the streets and around the block. She’s not there.
Martha (1:41): How far along are you?
David (1:42): I’m stuck in traffic. Where are you now?
Martha (1:42): I’m home. I’m trying hard not to cry.
David (1:42): Don’t. It’ll be ok. You know how 5 year old kids are, always trying to explore the world.
Martha (1:42): I’m terrified. I’m shaking. You know those crime shows where the killer always does inhumane things to the child. I just can’t… Please just hurry.
Martha (1:43): How bad is the traffic?
David (1:43): It’s a little heavy, but it should speed up soon.
Martha (1:44): I just heard a knock…
David (1:44): Maybe there’s someone outside with some news, look through the peephole. Be careful.
Martha (1:44): It’s not coming from the door
David (1:45): What?
Martha (1:46): I hear the knock again, but it’s not coming from a door or even a window.
Martha (1:46): It’s coming from inside the house.
Martha (1:47): Oh god, I’m so scared. Why aren’t you here? You are never here.
David (1:47): I’m literally on my way. Just keep calm. You’re a strong woman, who isn’t afraid to handle anything and that’s one of the reasons I married you. It’s probably Lily. Just follow the noise.
Martha (1:48): I’m shaking…
Martha (1:49): I just yelled out LILY. No response.
Martha (1:50): The knocking is getting louder.
Martha (1:51): Oh god David, it’s getting so loud. Oh god.
Martha (1:51): Hurry please, come home. I love you please. Come home.
David (1:52): I just got out of traffic. I’m 10 minutes away.
Martha (1:52): It sounds like a hammer, banging.
Martha (1:52): It’s coming from our bedroom.
Martha (1:53): David
Martha (1:54): It’s coming from inside the mirror
David (1:55): What?
Martha (1:55): There’s someone inside the gigantic mirror in our bedroom.
Martha (1:56): They’re knocking
Martha (1:56): There’s blood on the floor
David (1:57): I’m calling the police.
Martha (1:58): So much blood.
Martha (1:59): There’s broken pieces of glass on the floor.
David (2:02): Hang in there. I am on our block.
David (2:03): Martha?
David (2:04): Martha? The police are on their way.
David (2:05): Are you all right?
David (2:06): Please respond.
David (2:06): Hello?
David (2:07): Don’t do this to me.
By Danish Seejoul
At approximately 1:57 P.M. David Carsely (35/m) called the New Jersey State Police stated his daughter, Lily Carsely (5, fm) was missing and that his wife, Martha Carsely (32/fm) was home alone and reported blood in the house. Officers arrived at 2:10 P.M to find a frantic David on the steps of the home, banging on the front doors. Officers pushed down the front door. Officers discovered the body of Lily Carsely and of Martha Carsely in the master bedroom, drenched in the pool of their own blood. According to neighbor Sofia Peterson, she heard shouting coming from the house at approximately 12:50 A.M, around which time Lily Carsely reported to be asleep according to David’s text. Ms. Peterson heard the voices of a “deranged women” shouting indiscernible words, and the cries of a young girl.
She reported that the cries got fainter and that she heard a gigantic shatter. She said that approximately 1:33 P.M, Martha came around to her house and knocked on the door. She didn’t open the door because she thought she “smelled danger” and noticed Martha was drenched in blood. Autopsy reports reveal that the body of Lily Carsely was strangled, and that her face was repeatedly smashed against the bedroom mirror. Martha Carsely doesn’t have a criminal record and has never had issues with mental health before. But hairs found under Lily Carsely’s fingernails as well as scratches on Martha Carsely’s arms reveal that she may have just been the culprit. The cause of death of Martha is just as bizarre. There are deep cuts on her wrist that seem self-inflicted.
Dr. Jacklyn Daniels of New Jersey Shore Hospital says “Something snapped in Martha Carsely’s mind that day, something that caused her to do something so horrible, that her own psyche erased from her mind. It seems as if the guilt came back to her as she heard “knocks from the mirror” when texting her husband. It seems to me that when reality was flung back to her, Ms. Carsely couldn’t live on with such a heavy sin. What caused a seemingly ordinary young mother to commit such a heinous crime is beyond me”
Grabbed from Horror/creepy short stories