Now, this is not going to be a particularly scary story, but it is very unsettling, I think. Here’s what happened.
When I was six, I used to spend a lot of time at my grandparents’. They moved around quite a bit- money issues, I’m sure. During this time they were living in an extension of another family member’s house. I wasn’t related to the family that owned the house, so I don’t remember much about them. I do remember one of the members was a very old man who was always in bed, hooked up to an oxygen tank. But that’s all.
So, the way the house was set up, the section that my grandparents inhabited didn’t have a bathroom. We had to walk through the rest of the house to get to it. Normally, my youngest aunt, Maya, would walk me to the bathroom. I don’t remember why, exactly, but I figure it’s because I was a ‘fraidy cat and couldn’t do anything on my own.
Anyway, on this one particular night, I had to use bathroom, so I asked Maya to take me. The kitchen was on the way, and she stopped to chat with someone who was cooking. I really had to go and started to bug her to hurry with her conversation, but she insisted I go on my own, saying she’d be right where she was when I returned. So I went alone. Everything was fine and dandy until mid pee.
That’s when I heard it. A whisper from behind the shower curtains.
They were closed and I couldn’t see anything, but I will never, never forget what was said to me. “Whiiite snooow.” It made no sense whatsoever. Not to me at least. It didn’t have to, I was outta there faster than I could pull my pants on. Not much happened after the incident.
Needless to say, no one believed me. Everyone I told tried to convince me I’d just heard someone’s tv through the bathroom wall, or that someone was hiding in the shower, playing a prank on me. Grown ups, right? Idiots.
Time passed and I tried to convince myself it was only in my head; that I imagined it and shouldn’t be afraid. But I have a very, very active and terrifying imagination, so I never used the bathroom with a shower curtain closed ever again. Ever. Not only did the curtain have to be drawn, I’d also twist it and make it so thin nothing and no one would be able to hide behind it. I did this for years. Eighteen years to be exact. Which brings us to yesterday.
I live on my own now. It’s only been about 5 months that I’ve had my own place, but I honestly can’t imagine it any other way. I love my solitude and freedom so damn much, there is no time to be lonely or afraid.
Yesterday, I had some errands to run. They were going to take a couple of hours, so I used the bathroom right before I left, twisting the curtain to its usual noodle shape. I left it that way, as I normally do. My mom used to scold me and say I was wrinkling her curtain, but this was my curtain and I didn’t give a damn if it was wrinkled. So I left to do my adulty-deeds.
I returned about two hours later, feeling lazy and wanting to watch American Dad in bed, so that’s what I did. Because I am a grown up. About two hours and two glasses of Sprite later, I had to use the bathroom.
Now, you can imagine my surprise (and loss of bladder control) when I walked into my bathroom, flicked on the light and saw my shower curtain had been pulled closed.
Credits to: photofreecreepypasta