First is a full check up, blood, urine, x-rays, vision, dental, and everything else. Next is various shots of a clear liquid for the next couple of weeks followed by some the worst food I’ve ever eaten. They never tell me what the experiment is for and any questions I ask fall on deaf ears, so I assume they want accurate results instead of having placebo effects.
3 months in they tell me that things would be changing. I would be meeting the other volunteers to have a group discussion. We all sit down in a circle of chairs, taking turns talking about our experiences over the last couple of months. At the end of the meeting the doctors come in to tell us about the last phase.
They tell us what they’ve done to us. We were given experimental drugs to see if they work, and to test them we’re being sent to West Africa. Those who are severely infected will be left to die, but those who survive would be allowed to come back home.
Silently infecting others and weeding out the weak, while collecting a big paycheck.
I survived. Like I said, it’s worth it.
Credits to: MyShadowHuntsMe