Little Jimmy was a strange boy,
he always sat away playing with his doll,
his back turned to us,
and face towards the wall,
there, not making a fuss,
not answering to any call.
No one cared until one day,
he and little Mary had gone away,
none of them had come to school,
and i didn’t care, oh what a fool.
The next day he was there,
playing with his doll,
but now she had a different hair,
and a red dress for a ball.
Her hair was just like Little Mary,
but Mary wasn’t here at all,
golden with locks like hers,
although a strain of it would fall.
Next day little Jimmy and Mac were gone,
and Mary was still missing,
but no one gave a shit,
no one cared, not even a little bit.
Next day little Jimmy came,
and seemed like everything was the same,
but there was something very strange,
the doll had a big change,
her eyes were huge and life like,
like Mac’s crystal blue,
and there was something else,
she had something red on her shoe.
the teacher went to little Jimmy, to ask him how he is,
he turned and she got startled,
he had a bloody knife in his fist,
-My doll is almost done- he said
-she needs someones lips that are red.-
everyone got scared of what he had,
while he was laughing like mad,
for it was Mary’s hair on the doll’s head,
and Mac’s blue eyes and not plastic instead,
the teacher called the police right away,
they found little Mary and Mac the same day,
with Mary’s hair cut,
and Mac’s eyes taken and the wholes sewn shut.
No one’s seen little Jimmy since,
but he didn’t stop just then,
he was known as the Doll Prince,
and kept on killing women and men.
So lock your windows and doors,
for he might come for you,
you’ll get scared to your very cores,
and become a doll’s body part too.