My father used to work at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida as an engineer. His good buddy there had a very pregnant girlfriend. Since my parents had just had a baby of their own, they spent most of their time bonding over daddy and baby things. He would invite in his girlfriend and they would glow over her round pregnant belly. He would bring in ultrasound pictures and discuss baby toys and growth. They were very excited.
She went into labor earlier than they expected. She began to have contractions closer and closer together, so in a panic, they took her to the military hospital at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station to give birth. When she was brought in, nurses grabbed and tranquilized her. No one knows why this was done. The baby’s father was not allowed into the room for reasons unknown.
Hours passed before she finally came to. She immediately wanted to see her baby. The doctor very calmly told her there was no baby. There had been no birth. She was never pregnant. She became hysterical. They had ultrasounds. Seemingly undeniable proof. She was inconsolable.
For months she attempted to make a legal case out of it, but she never made any headway. She became absolutely obsessed with finding her stolen child. The last I heard, she was trying to start an organization dedicated to finding abducted children.
Did the military steal this woman’s child? Did the baby “disappear”? Was there really never a baby?
Who knows what really happened.