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My wife talks in her sleep.
Most nights I don’t notice. I’m quite a deep sleeper, and so I sleep through it, but some nights I’ll wake up to the murmuring. It’s not that loud, so I’ll usually just drift back to sleep. If I can’t go back to sleep I’ll either grumble something or give her a nudge and it stops.
Lately, out of curiosity and mostly amusement, I’ve been trying to work out what she’s saying. One of my colleagues has a partner who talks in their sleep. Apparently they say the most random things. I placed a notepad and pen on the side table in the event I wake up to her talking. In the morning we’ll have a laugh about whatever nonsense sentences she’ll say. That was the idea, anyway.
It’s surprisingly hard to work out though. The deep, raspy murmers, combined with the fact I’m half asleep myself, makes it quite a challenge to make out the words. However, I have noticed the name ‘Annabel’ come up quite a lot.
"Annabel, do this", and "Listen to me Annabel". That sort of stuff.
Last night, I woke up to the talking again. It was a little louder than usual. “Annabel, let me in!” I heard, over and over, louder and louder, in a terrifying voice. I lay there in the darkness until it stopped.
In the morning I told her about it. She said she could remember only one thing last night. A woman. Her face inches away away from hers. Leaning over her as she lies in bed. A dream she says she gets every night.
My wife doesn’t talk in her sleep.
My wife’s name is Annabel, and every night, something visits her.
Something talks to her.
From reddit no sleep, by reddit user SolarGoat