I remember it clearly. Not one of my fondest memories but a memory nonetheless. I'm writing this so you know. So you all know. Mirrors are NOT safe during the day. Do not ever think that you are safe when around one.
So I had to run away; what other choice did I have? It was definitely for the better though, I think. Who knows what could have happened?
Wednesday, May 13th 2009
It was any other normal day in my house; it was around 5 o'clock in the evening. Mom was downstairs helping my grandmother make dinner. I was upstairs taking a shower. It was nothing out of the ordinary, even with the bumps and the bangs of people moving a floor below and coming up and down the stairs connecting both apartments. I come out of the shower and walk into my mom's room to get changed since it's closer to the bathroom than my own room.
Walking over to the vanity, I begin towel drying my hair and then I grab the brush sitting next to my mom's jewelry box. That's when I noticed it. Removing the towel from half of my face, I stare at my reflection as I brush my hair. Suddenly stopping, for whatever reason, I put my hands down on the edge of the vanity and stare hard at my reflection. Something was off but I couldn't quite tell what. Leaning forward, my face a few inches from the glass, I begin to wonder why I thought something was wrong.
Looking around, I took note that the mirror was clean and was free of marks so that couldn't be it. The room was lit so it couldn't be odd shadows either. And then it hit me. My reflection wasn't doing exactly what I was doing. In fact, I had a very indifferent look on my face while she, though it was subtle, was smirking. I laughed at myself, thinking I was being paranoid and leaned away from the mirror. That’s when the terror hit me. She didn't move; she was still leaning.
Grasping my towel that was around my body, I stared in horror as my reflection straightened herself and looked at me. No, I can't call her my reflection. No matter how much she looked like me, she wasn't me. She couldn't have been. Her smirk then widened as her eyes twinkled with what I thought had to be insanity. And I was completely frozen; my eyes locked on hers. I couldn't move, couldn't feel my legs, I could barely breathe. Then she raised her hand and touched the glass. A chill ran down my spine as I saw her fingertips begin to come out of the mirror.
I had enough of it at that point. As fast as I could, I ran out of my mom's room and down the stairs to my grandmother's apartment. I couldn't tell them. Who, in any sort of sound mind, would believe me? "Mom, my reflection just tried to snatch me up and drag me to her dimension." Pfft. Ridiculous.
No one knows this happened to me. Well, no one knew. Now you know. So please, don't ever stare at your reflection for too long. Even as I'm writing this for you, I'm glancing up at the vanity mirror in my room, wondering if I'll see her staring at me with those awful eyes and insane smile once again.
It happens to me all the time.