Swan’s eye twitched slightly as she watched my reaction. I was surprisingly calm, although numb and in shock might be more appropriate terms. Over the last few days, my definitions for my life, the people in it, and reality in general had all been expanded and twisted to the point of ripping. I only had some remnant sanity left because I was trying to just roll with things as they came. Accept that I wasn’t in control and couldn’t take anything at face value. As the fog lifted from my brain, it became easier to accept that I wasn’t Theresa and that Jenna wasn’t my sister Sharon. But as dread and fear pooled into the vacancies left behind by that life and identity, I found myself pining for the simplicity of an evil father and his cult that wanted to kill me. At least that, as confusing and terrifying as it had been, made a kind of sense. But all of this? How could these people do everything they were doing? Just with a set of pills? ...
Stories that are collected from the depths of the unknown or spawned from the deep recesses of my mind...