There’s a worm living in my head, I was on a flight back to the U.S. that afternoon, but it took two days before I was able to track down Hannah. She had moved out of Terry’s house after the funeral, the property apparently being absorbed into the family’s wealth much as his bank account had. Her new apartment back in her northwestern hometown was a big step down from the beachside mansion she had spent the last three years in. In fact, it reminded me a lot of my own place. “Look, I’m sorry, okay? I fucked up. I fucked myself and now I’ve fucked you too I guess.” The girl sitting in front of me was a ghost of the Hannah I knew. She was cooperative enough—I’d half expected her to hang up on me when I finally got her on the phone, but she’d told me where she was living and agreed to meet. I was up there the next morning, and I had to work to hide my shock when I saw her. She looked like she had lost weight and hadn’t bathed ...
Stories that are collected from the depths of the unknown or spawned from the deep recesses of my mind...