1. "Some nights, the water would be boiling hot. It's impossible because there are no heaters in our showers." "Back when I was studying in Banting, there was a bathroom on the third floor which we think is haunted because on some nights, the water would be boiling hot. It should be impossible because there are no heaters in our showers, so the water is supposed to be cold or at least room temperature. So whenever the water turns hot, girls would run out in their towels, screaming. We heard that apparently, before they built the college, it was a factory that dealt with manufacturing chemicals. There were rumours that many employees died because of some chemicals, including getting burned. Not sure if that's true, they were just rumours. It doesn't help that in that bathroom, when it's late at night, you can hear sounds of tyres screeching across the floor like there's someone pushing an old trolley or something." - Lily 2. "...
Stories that are collected from the depths of the unknown or spawned from the deep recesses of my mind...