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Showing posts from February, 2014

Who's In My Bed?


You are in the public restroom doing your thing. It has been a long day, and you finally have the chance to relieve yourself and you are going to fully utilize the cubicle you're in. You realize that there is someone in the cubicle next to you. Probably doing the same thing you're doing, probably not. Either way, your neighbor is not your problem. You then realize your neighbor seem to be doing the exact same things you're doing. When you shuffle your feet, they do it too. When you flip the next page of the magazine you are reading, they do it too. When you clear your throat, they do it too. You wonder whether if it's just an echo in the bathroom, but there were clearly shadows of feet visible at the bottom gap of the wall that separates you and your neighbor. You start to get spooked when you hear your neighbor stand up at the same time as you. When you flush the toilet, they mirror your actions too. When you put on your pants, the jingle of their belt mi...

Watching. Waiting.

You are in your office doing whatever it is you're doing during office hours. Just minding your own business. Just another day at work. Nothing out of the ordinary. Only today, something is different. You noticed at the corner of your tinted window on your door, there is a shadow standing there. Watching you. Not moving at all. Not making a sound. Just standing there. Watching. It does not try to talk to you, it does not try to do anything to catch your attention. It just watches, and does not care if you know it is there or not. Just watches, without a sound. You try to ignore it at first. You pretend it is not there. You try telling yourself that it's just the trick of the light, or your mind playing games. Anything to make you not think about the shadow behind the window. No one outside your office seem to notice the shadow there. They just go about their business like it wasn't there. But you know it's there. You could see the occasional breath that...

Knocking on the Wall

Memoirs of a Psychopath

Jim's Demons

What They're Hiding From

The Soldier


The Call

The Staring Woman

A Wedding Lesson (A Modern Chinese Parable)

一個朋友的婚禮上,司儀拿出一張百元鈔票問在場所有人,誰想要請舉手,大家想怕是司儀想出來整人的花招吧,沒人說話。司儀說:我說真的,想要的請舉手。 終於有人舉手了,接著越來越多的人舉手了。司儀看了看大家,換了一張舊的百元鈔票,舉手的人明顯的少了許多。司儀笑了笑了又換了張皺巴巴的有點破損的舊百 元鈔票,但是現場舉手的人寥寥無幾了。司儀請了一位小男孩上台,並把那張舊鈔票放在他的手裡。說:因為他一直舉著手,下面的人哄堂大笑。小男孩的臉有些發 紅,司儀擺擺手示意大家安靜,拿出那張新的百元鈔 票說:我這張新的跟你那張舊的換換,可以嗎?小男孩說:不用了,謝謝叔叔,新的舊的都一樣。 司儀點點頭,讓小男孩拿著錢下去了,司儀讓新郎新娘手拉手走上台,說:再美麗的容顏,總有老去的一天。再浪漫的愛情,也會隨著生活的變化而變化。就如同我 手中的鈔票一樣,隨著時間的變化會慢慢變皺,變舊。但是也像那小男孩說的新的舊的都是一百元。它的價值不會因為上面的皺褶而改變。不是嗎?希望新人能懂得 愛情真正的價值和意義,不要等到容顏老去,或是激情化為平淡的時候,就忘記了剛才親口說出的愛你一生一世的誓言,請你們珍惜對方一輩子。 新人對望了一下深深的點點頭,台下暴發了熱烈的掌聲。 大多數的人終其一生,不停地渴望,不停地追求,不停地奪取,卻不知道珍惜手邊的幸福,到頭來一無所有,什麼也沒得到! 快樂:像風一樣,只是一瞬間的,來的快,去的也快。 痛苦:是來自懷疑和猜測,造成的傷害是一種無法言語的痛真心:是來自清楚的了解了對方,感受到對方的愛,才會展現出來的表現。 甜蜜:是來自雙方的真情交流。只想帶給對方歡樂的心,所以在我的生命中,只要得到一個人的欣賞,一個人的關注,一個人的溫柔,一個人的真心真情,一個人的眼淚就足夠了!牽了手就不要分手。一輩子說長也不長,說短也不短…… 不要等到失去了才懂得珍惜!珍惜現在所擁有的。

Home Alone

Asylum Bus



Under the Covers

The Doll Game
