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The War

It is the future. It is what the human race is headed towards. You do not know it yet, but you are. You are on a dark path that only gets darker. There is no light at the end of this tunnel. Only despair, and then oblivion.

I reside in a future where humanity is on the brink of extinction. What may cause this, you ask? These creatures… these… wretched monsters. The horrors of the night. You know them as vampires. Demons. Incarnations of wickedness and the unholy curse of evil.

We as humanity are crumbled and desperately fighting back against the scourge. We’ve been fighting, and for far too long. Our weapons used to be of use but these beings.. they’re adapting to our weaponry. Our technology isn’t advancing fast enough. And they… they are getting stronger. Faster. Smarter. Our technology is what you’d call “steam punk” and it is what I have grown up in. The era of terror. Not the Steam punk era.

I am with the last remaining colony on earth. Only a few thousand of us. That number is so small compared to what it used to be. Billions. And now we’re mice, caught in the claws of the predator. We are struggling, and we know it wont be long before fate reaches out and grasps our weakened souls. When death snatches us in our sleep, as we wait and bleed out.

Supplies are at their lowest. We cannot afford to feed everyone now. Ammunition is scarce, and as we rummage for medicine on the abandoned pharmacies, we are left with broken spirits. But we have one last string to pull. The last ditch effort to rise again. To live, and prosper in peace. To end the brutality of the scourge onslaught. We have the final chance and last possible key to our salvation.

Our remaining scientists have completed a lifelong project. A machine, that can process a single organism through space and time. The scourge have been here for centuries. We as humans lost the majority of our most important books and documents decades ago. We have no documentation of how or when exactly the wretched spawn arrived. But with our machine, we can go back, to before what we believe is the beginning of the war.

I have been chosen to be sent back. To stop all of this from happening. To prevent the war. To save humanity.

I feel we as humans are doomed to die out eventually, but I think if humanity had to choose, it would rather do it after a few hundred thousand years down the road. Not by this horrific form of natural selection.

It is time. The guards come to my barracks, and escort me. Everyone knows. The children have fear in their eyes. They watch me stride onward, and give me looks of mourning, and wanting. Wanting a safe haven. I nod in reassurance. To let these young ones know that I am going to be their hero. To guard their last bit of mortality.

I cross the courtyard and into the courthouse. The guards guide me through the narrow corridors into a broad chamber beneath the courthouse complex. Guards line the sides of the room. Ahead of me in the machine. In front are two guards and the few scientists that we have, standing. Each person in this room is drowning in their own conscience. We are scared, and clinging to this last bit of hope.

I walk up to the machine and am greeted by one if the scientists. He had a rough peppered beard. He looked at me through the cracked lenses in his frames. “Thank you, thank you so much.” His bottom lip trembled. He grabbed my hand and shook. “You only have one shot. This is a one way trip. It destroys the machine shortly after your arrival. Don’t be anywhere near the explosion during that time… okay?” He looked at me through worried eyes. “I understand” I said. The guards beside the machine watched as I begin to stepped inside. One of them was crying, but strong armed as best as he could, trying not to make a fool of himself. I placed my hand on his shoulder and reassured him, that everything will be okay.

I stepped forward into the machine and looked towards the front of the room. My wife. My son. My new-born daughter. I could never see them again. Once I pass through, I leave everything I once loved and cherished, forever.

The scientist that spoke to me nodded and closed the capsule within the machine that contained me. The glass door slid around the capsule sealing it shut.

I could see in everyone’s face that they had their last bit of hope put into this last mission. I heard the machine start up as the steam powered engine begin to power it.

I relaxed my body, ready to serve humanity in its last ditch effort. It was quiet within the capsule. My heartbeat was loud, I could hear my breathing exceptionally well. It sounded like a stuttering breeze. A voice came over the capsule and initiated a countdown sequence.

10…. 9…..

Behind the glass, I saw a guard rush into the room, panicking.


He was saying something but I couldn’t make out what it was. He seemed out of breath. Two guards shut the door behind him.


Everyone stopped and stared at the door. I could see it rattle. After a few long agonizing seconds, it exploded open.


Dozens of scourge burst through the door. I saw the guard who was crying before, bang on the glass of the capsule.


He uttered something to me but I couldn’t make it out. The monsters ripped everyone into pieces, blood flew everywhere.


Everything warped in a split second. I could feel time retreating as I passed through reality. Every great achievement, every epic downfall, every sincere lifetime, slipped around and through me.

The suddenly everything stopped. I had arrived. It was time…

I stepped out of the capsule, a but shaky at first. I landed in some sun baked desert-like area. The sun bit into the back of my neck. I could see in the distance, a very small town. I proceeded to make my way towards it.

After reaching the town, I stayed for the night. I was given odd looks, most likely due to my clothing. I asked a woman what the year was. “1701” she replied. I was shocked. I went back nearly 650 years.

In the distance I could hear an explosion. The sign that the capsule had expired, just as the scientist had said it would.

The town I arrived at was believed to be the start of this. Where the very first spawn ever set foot.

I stayed here, day after day. Waiting patiently for him to arrive. Id spend my time thinking about my family. I missed them so much. I got hired by a farm owner outside of town, to help work his fields, in return he let me stay in his unused shed outside his house.

The days were boring. I grew restless. Impatient. As time went by, I began to suspect if whether I was sent back too far, or if perhaps the location was incorrect. What would I do then?

Days continued to pass. Then weeks. Then months. And eventually it had been a full year. But I kept hanging on. I knew I had to save the future. So I kept doing what I had been doing. Working. Living. Breathing.

Before I knew it, 5 years had passed me by. Then a decade. I would look in a mirror and see my reflection. I kept my youth well. I was in my mid 30’s at this point.

As time rode on, I began to grow e be n more weary, and restless. 20 years since my arrival and I hadn’t changed in my appearance at all. I was in excellent condition. Yet still no sign of the one vile creature I came to stop.

Another decade went by, and another. At this point I lived in my own house I had built myself. I still looked the same. No one bothered me. I had my own crops but they would die shortly after their growth each year, so I resorted to stealing.

I would go into town at night and sneak into the shops and raid the supplies about once a month. Every other night I’d steal crops from local farmers, in their fields.

One night I began to think of why I looked the same. I theorized for hours and then came to one simple conclusion. It was fate. I was meant to die where I came from. Everyone dies at some point, but in their respective time line. I had messed that up for myself. I was out of my time line.

So from this, I could not die, through age alone. I accepted it and moved on, still waiting. But I was starting to lose my grip on reality.

Decades continued to pass until the 19th century. At this point my mind couldn’t handle the “out-of-place/out-of-time” situation. It began to take its toll on the brain.

I became paranoid, so I would stay inside most of the time. The sun hurt my eyes. I grew irritable without any given cause. Mood swings hit me without the slightest warning.

I grew inclined to a sexual nature, mostly since I had not felt the touch my wife in what seemed like eons. Lust began to consume me. I would sneak into town late at night and watch people sleep, but I was most fascinated watching the women sleep.

Eventually, I could not control my urges and I decided to make my move. I kidnapped a woman one night, making sure she didn’t alarm anyone. I took her to my house and lusted with her body. It was a sigh of relief.

To my astonishment, my companion was very pleased. Impressed with my results she decided to stay, remaining hidden in my house.

I looked in a mirror one night and saw my reflection was strange. Almost a haze. I was sure I was sure it was only hallucinatory. My eyes appeared dilated. Nights passed and I was pleased to have my new companion with me. We had the wildest of nights, enjoying the best sex any human could imagine. My mouth would tingle when we kissed and so I decided to bite her neck. I did so, gently, and she moaned. She loved it. I bit harder, and harder as she moaned even more, until I felt my teeth sink into her flesh. She was so aroused to even notice it and I was too aroused to care that there was blood everywhere.

Her neck healed fast though, in a matter of hours in fact. Soon, she too took on my same symptoms. We grew mad together. We even slaughtered all the townsfolk.

I grew viciously tired one night, so I decided to sleep. I was walking in the street when it hit me. My feet grew ever so heavy. I saw a coffin a body rested in. I drug the corpse out, and then laid down inside. I then covered myself up, consumed in darkness, then fell asleep.

Three centuries passed. I rose from my coffin, encased beneath the earth. Someone must’ve thought I was dead and buried me.

I no longer looked the same. My teeth grew into points, especially my fangs. My nails grew incredibly fast, and were hard. My eye color changed into a bright golden shade. I have hid from people in the day, but stalked the streets at night. Preying on the innocents that stumbled along the alleys. Occasionally, my prey would wake up sometime later, in a similar madness like myself…. back from the dead…

My strength increased 10 fold. My speed was unmatched. I leapt from rooftop to rooftop. The world was mine.

Another century had passed, and in that time I had infected others like myself. Our numbers increased, tremendously. We slaughtered whenever and whoever we wanted. The government couldn’t find us. The military couldn’t stop us. The people feared us.

Eventually humanity was down to its last group of people. We found them. And we were very hungry. We grew wickedly wings, and flew.

Nothing could stop us.


As we drew closer, my army roared in the night, our voices echoing throughout the night. Our numbers swarmed the air as we pierced the skies. We swooped in, unleashing chaos upon every living thing we saw. Slashing, tearing, ripping.

The screams of humans everywhere rang in my ears, sending lust running through my blood. I arrived at a building, storming it with dozens of minions behind me. We breached the walls, making our way into every possible room.

I heard footsteps running down a hall. I followed the sound quickly only to reach a locked door. I could hear a man panicking, crying. And I could smell plenty of fresh meat. The door was thick and offered a tough breach, but I got through it.

My minions released their onslaught of terror as screams echoed throughout the room. I saw a man leaning against a contraption of some sort. I teleported behind him, ripping his body apart, effortlessly.

I looked up and saw a familiar face. One that I hadn’t seen in ages. Time slowed down for me in that split second.

It was me.

Credits to: kcmod


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